Do split peas make you gain weight?


Are split peas starchy?

Oui ! “Split peas, like all legumes, are starchy foods. This category includes bread, potatoes, cereals, and legumes » explains Aurore Lavergnat, dietician-nutritionist. THE split peas thereby are a subcategory of starchy foods.

Split peas can be considered ‘cousins’ of peas because they come from the same variety of plants: pea sativum. There are two varieties: a pale yellow and a green. It is the latter that is most commonly found in supermarkets.

Split peas: nutritional value and calories

How many calories are in 100g of split peas? How much protein, carbohydrates, lipids, fiber, minerals, and vitamins does this legume provide? We tell you everything!

Calories in split peas

” It is necessary to count 120 calories for a 100g serving of cooked split peas, specifies the dietician-nutritionist. What is not any more than a small bowl of watercress soup, half an avocado, or a 100g portion of dried beans or sweet potato? »

Split peas and protein

“Split peas are interesting for vegetarians because they provide almost 9 g of protein per 100 g of split peas cooked in water,” informs the dietician-nutritionist. Are these proteins as interesting as animal proteins?

These plant proteins do not contain all of the essential amino acids. This is why it is important to supplement with cereals to have them. Aurore Lavergnat, dietician-nutritionist

Split peas and fiber

It is recommended to consume between 25 and 30 g of fiber per day. “Split peas are one of the best sources of energy fibers, they contain nearly 8 g per 100 g, specifies the dietician-nutritionist. Like lentils, wholemeal bread, dates, hazelnuts, and blackcurrant. »

They are a little less rich in fiber than chickpeas or cooked red or white beans which provide 9 g, or than dried apricots, almonds or prunes which contain between 13 and 16 g per 100 g.

Are split peas good for the diet?

Yes! You should not ban them from your plate, even when you want to lose a few pounds. Aurore Lavergnat, dietician-nutritionist explains why.

GI of split pea

“The split pea has a low GI (glycemic index) : it is only 22informs the dietician-nutritionist. This low GI allows avoid blood sugar spikes and ensures satiation lasting 2 to 6 hours environ. » Eating split peas can therefore limit the risk of cravings between meals.

“In addition to their low glycemic index, split peas ensure a feeling of satiety thanks to their good plant protein content which requires a fairly long digestion time, and their richness in fiber. These release energy in the body in a prolonged manner, and also delay the absorption of carbohydrates. explains the dietitian-nutritionist.

What are the benefits of split peas?

Split peas are not only interesting as part of a slimming diet! “They are attractive for preserving good heart health and maintaining good blood pressure,” indicates Aurore Lavergnat.

Split peas and diabetes

« Their richness in fiber and their low glycemic index should also be taken into consideration to combat type 2 diabetes,” indicates the dietitian-nutritionist.

Split peas and constipation

Split peas are high in fiber. “It is mainly about insoluble fibers, specifies Aurore Lavergnat. These act on the stimulation of intestinal transit and therefore limit the risk of constipation. » Which is ideal for having a flat stomach!

Split peas and digestion

Some people may have difficulty digesting split peas, as they can cause bloating.

To limit the risk of bloating, simply soak them for an hour before cooking them, and add a tablespoon of baking soda to the cooking water. Aurore Lavergnat

What minerals are in split peas?

Split peas contain many minerals essential for the proper functioning of the body.

“They provide magnesium necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system, the fight against stress and the reduction of fatigue, iron essential for the fight against anemia and therefore fatigue of potassium which intervenes in the regulation of blood pressure, heart rate, and muscles you phosphorus for bones »lists Aurore Lavergnat.

This is why it is important to follow the recommendations of Public Health France and eat split peas and other legumes for variety at least twice a week.

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