Does anchovy make you gain weight?


Is anchovy high in calories?

The anchovy is an oily fish like salmon, mackerel the herring. These fish contain between 5% and 15% lipids while lean fish only contain between 1% and 4%.

More precisely, raw anchovy provides 129 calories per 100 g, semi-preserved anchovy in salt provides 128, and semi-preserved anchovy fillets in oil 182.

Anchovies and proteins

It’s not just the calories you need to look at! “Anchovy is a fish rich in protein, explains Aurore Lavergnat, dietitian-nutritionist. Depending on whether it is raw, with salt or with oil, it provides between 19 g and 25 g per 100 g, or as much as 100 g of minced steak! »

Anchovies and good fats

Oily fish, and therefore anchovies, are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. “Our body does not know how to produce these good fats, warns the dietician-nutritionist. We must therefore find them in our diet. However, a small portion of 50 g of anchovies can cover 100% of our daily omega-3 needs. »

ANSES recommends consuming 250 mg of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and 250 mg d’EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) per day. DHA is the most important to provide through food because although the body knows how to produce it thanks to the intake of alpha-linolenic acid (omega-3 of plant origin), this internal production remains insufficient despite everything. “These polyunsaturated fatty acids are important for preventing the risk of cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, for preventing certain degenerative pathologies such as Alzheimer’s disease, or for limiting the risk of AMD,” explains the dietician-nutritionist.

Anchovies and cholesterol

“Omega-3 fatty acids are also important for fighting bad cholesterol and increasing good cholesterol, specifies Aurore Lavergnat. This is why it is recommended to eat fish twice a week. »

Can you eat anchovies when you want to lose weight?

Yes ! Anchovy is an oily fish that is part of a varied and balanced diet.

Its richness in protein allows you to quickly achieve a feeling of satiety during the meal and not feel cravings between lunch and dinner, which avoids snacking. Aurore Lavergnat, dietician-nutritionist.

Omega-3 fatty acids should not be neglected as part of a slimming diet, they have a positive effect. “Indeed, they have an anti-stress role, which helps keep the cortisol level in the blood stable, because when the latter is too high it promotes the storage of fats, warns Aurore Lavergnat. They also favor the development of muscles and therefore the elimination of fat. »

Pour benefit from the benefits of anchovies without gaining weight, “preferably cook it in foil, steam or in the oven, advises the dietitian-nutritionist. And if you buy it in a jar, drain the oil! Anchovies in brine have a significant salt content, remember to run them under cold water to desalinate them as much as possible, especially for people suffering from heart and arterial problems. »

Does anchovy make you fat?

Anchovy is a Provençal specialty Composed of anchovies, capers, olive oil, and crushed garlic. It is eaten as an aperitif on bread, with vegetable sticks dipped in anchovy.

Anchovy sauce is a very high-calorie sauce: between 480 and 490 calories per 100 g. It is therefore recommended to consume it in great moderation. You can lighten it a little by replacing the oil with lemon juice and yogurt. Aurore Lavergnat

Anchovy: good or bad for your health?

In addition to its benefits as part of a slimming diet, anchovies have many other virtues!

The anchovy brings between 3 and 6 mg of iron per 100 g, “as much as duck breast or beef”, specifies the dietitian-nutritionist. Iron is important to limit the risk of iron deficiency anemia.

It also contains other minerals such as zinc, iodine, phosphorus and selenium in interesting quantities. “Zinc is essential for the proper functioning of the immune system, phosphorus is involved in the mineralization of bones and teeth in association with calcium, selenium is a powerful antioxidant and iodine is essential for the functioning of the thyroid gland, explains Aurore Lavergnat. Be careful, however, in case of thyroid pathologies, due to its iodine content! »

Anchovy, like all fish, is also an interesting source of vitamin D. “A small portion of 100 g covers three-quarters of the daily needs for this vitamin necessary for fixing calcium on the skeleton, but also for strengthening the immune system,” explains the dietitian-nutritionist.

So, to vary your protein intake, consider anchovies in your menus!

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