Does spelled make you gain weight?


Is spelled good for your health?

Spelled is one of the oldest cereals. It is also called ‘rustic wheat’ or ‘wheat of the Gauls’. But after being cultivated for centuries, it fell into disuse during the 20th century, before becoming trendy again.

The benefits of spelled

Spelled is similar to wheat. This is a subspecies of wheat with a more interesting mineral and fiber content. Maïwenn Le Goff, dietician-nutritionist at Saveurs et Vie

Spelled provides phosphorus two magnesium, and two calcium, minerals for the growth and regeneration of tissues, bone and tooth health pour muscles. It also brings B group vitamins necessary for many functions of the body (energy, production of red blood cells, central nervous system, etc.).

Spelled and gluten

Like oats, wheat, barley, rye, spelled is a cereal that contains gluten. “But the gluten contained in spelled is in lower quantities, warns the dietician-nutritionist. It also comes in a different form than wheat gluten and is easier to digest. » It can therefore be tolerated by certain people with gluten intolerance.

Small spelled or large spelled?

The einkorn contains less gluten (7%) than spelled (12%). It is also softer and more digestible. Its grains are smaller. Those of large spelled are large and surrounded by a protective covering.

Does spelled make you lose weight?

No food makes you gain weight as such, it’s a matter of frequency of consumption and quantity.

Is spelled high in calories?

Although bringing 338 calories per 100 g When raw, spelled has an interesting nutritional profile.

“Spelt is particularly rich in fiber: it provides 10 g per 100 g, specifies Maïwenn Le Goff. Fibers are hypocholesterolemic, they also reduce the absorption of carbohydrates and allow you to prolong the feeling of satiety during the day. »

Why is it a satiating food?

As the dietician-nutritionist explains: “By their satiating effect, fiber allows the volume of the meal to be reduced. Foods rich in fiber, such as spelled among others, in controlled quantities, are therefore indicated to promote weight loss. »

Spelled also provides almost 60 g of carbohydrates per 100 g. ” It is complex carbohydrates which are slowly assimilated by the body, releasing energy for a long time and also contributing to good satiation,” explains the dietician-nutritionist.

The protein content of spelled – almost 15 g per 100 g – also contributes to the satiating effect. Maïwenn Le Goff.

Spelled in seed form has a glycemic index of 35 and a Drake of 40. This is a low glycemic index. They act in the blood sugar regulation and satiate sustainably which is important when you want to lose weight.

Thanks to its nutritional composition, spelled limits the risk of snacking between meals.

Spelled flour, bread, or seeds?

There are several ways to consume spelled: in flour, bread, or seeds.

As seeds, it is eaten like rice but requires, depending on the variety, between 15 minutes and 45 minutes of cooking.

“A 100 g portion of cooked spelled corresponds to 3 tablespoons, specifies Maïwenn Le Goff.

  • Au lunch you can consume up to 200 g of spelled or 6 tablespoons, provided you do not eat additional bread.
  • The dinner to be lighter, do not exceed 100 g of spelled. If there are no starchy foods at the meal, you can eat a little more than 50 to 60 g of bread. » Spelled should not, in fact, be banned from the evening meal, because starchy foods help you fall asleep.

“If we opt for Drake, we can consume 50 to 60 g at each meal (2 slices) instead of starchy foods or by making half starchy and half-spelled bread. advises the dietitian-nutritionist.

The Spelt flour is made from great spelled. It is used in making biscuits, cakes, pastries, etc.

Does spelled constipate?

Absolutely not, on the contrary! “The fibers in spelled are mainly insoluble, specifies Maïwenn Le Goff. They therefore have a laxative effect. »

Spelled and diarrhea

THE spelled fibers increase the volume of stools, it is preferable not to consume too much of this cereal in case of intestinal sensitivity, at the risk of suffering from stomach aches, bloating and diarrhea.

Putting spelled on your menus allows for greater variety in the choice of cereals and starchy foods.

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