traditional yoga .. 3 simple exercises to do at home to detoxify yourself from pollution


Some traditional yoga exercises that help eliminate the harmful effects of pollution on the lungs and detoxify the body


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L’air pollution It has serious effects on our health and, above all, those who already have respiratory or asthma problems can be affected more. However, we can defend ourselves, at least in part, by practicing some breathing exercises that derive from the yogic tradition and which help our lungs stay cleaner by eliminating toxins.

Considering that the coronavirus also affects the lungs and the risk seems to be greater if we live in polluted areas (as several studies have shown), now more than ever it is important to take care of our respiratory system. As?

We can start with 3 easy breathing exercises to do comfortably at home, useful for combating the effects of air pollution.


Kapalbhati it is a breathing method that helps detoxify the entire body. It is an exercise that helps eliminate toxins from the lungs but also from the brain, it also strengthens the abdominal muscles, increases the flow of oxygen and improves digestion.

Here’s how it’s practiced:

  • Sit straight with your spine erect and legs crossed
  • inhale deeply, exhale quickly making a huffing sound. Focus on quickly exhaling, not inhaling
  • when you exhale, simultaneously pull your abdominal muscles inward. Your abdomen should bend when you exhale and rise when you inhale.

This type of breathing should be practiced for 10 minutes.

Agnisar kriya

Agnisar kriya it means stimulating the digestive fire. Exercise actually works on the metabolism but also helps to detoxify the respiratory tract and improve the functioning of the abdominal organs.

This type of breathing ultimately strengthens our immune defenses.

Here’s how it’s done:

  • standing with hands on knees and shoulders erect
  • take a deep breath through your nose, hold your breath and bend your head forward trying to touch your chin to your chest
  • pull your abdomen inward. Now exhale, expand your stomach all the way and bring your chin straight again.

The exercise must be repeated 10 times and must be done on an empty stomach. Better to avoid when you have your menstrual cycle.


This breathing exercise helps detoxify the body and recharge it with energy. People who suffer from asthma or respiratory problems are advised to practice this technique under the supervision of an expert.

Here’s how to perform the exercise:

  • Sit straight with legs bent and shoulders relaxed. Take deep breaths through your nose and when you inhale, expand your belly as much as possible.
  • exhale forcefully through your nose and inhale forcefully at the rate of one second per cycle
  • the breath should come from the diaphragm. Keep your neck, head, chest and shoulders still as you move your belly in and out.

Read also: 5 Yoga Asanas That Can Help You Fight Psoriasis (And Feel Zen)

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