Liposuction: procedure, price, risks


Liposuction is the second most performed cosmetic surgery procedure in France, just after breast augmentation. This technique was developed in the 1980s by French surgeon Yves Gérard Illouz. It is aimed at women, as well as men.

What is liposuction (or liposuction)?

Liposuction, also called liposuction or liposculpture, is a surgical and aesthetic procedure which consists of reduce or permanently erase localized and stubborn fat par aspiration fatty deposits.

Stomach, hips, thighs, arms, knees, face… which areas are eligible for liposuction?

Liposuction does not allow you to lose weight, but only to remove localized fat cells who resist diets. It is rather practiced as a second intention, after the failure of usual weight loss methods and in addition to a healthy lifestyle (physical exercise, balanced diet, etc.). It is not indicated in cases of overweight or obesity.

Most areas of the body can benefit from this procedure:

Liposuction can also be performed on the neck, to erase the double chinor at face level (mainly cheeks), for emphasize the oval of the face.

How is liposuction carried out?

  • Before the procedure: It is necessary to plan at least a blood test, an interview with the anesthetist and an interview with the plastic surgeon. A 15 day reflection period must be respected between the consultation and the intervention;
  • In the OR: a small cannula connected to a powerful “vacuum cleaner” is introduced under the skin and removes fatty deposits from different places on the body. The incisions are small (two, three millimeters) and leave tiny scars;
  • The procedure can last between 30 minutes and 2.5 hours (depending on the area treated), under general or local anesthesia. The size of the cannulas adapts to the area being aspirated. Their round, non-sharp edge does not damage the nerves and vessels;
  • The surgical consequences: allow one to two days of hospitalization. We got back on our feet as quickly as possible. Pulling more than pain is felt. Allow 4 to 7 days to resume normal activity. If they are not absorbable, the sutures are removed around the tenth day, at the time of the post-operative check-up. Bruising or bruising may persist for two to three weeks. The sun is prohibited until the bruises disappear, to avoid the risk of pigmentation. The final result is estimated after at least three months.

Wear panties to limit bruising and swelling

Wear a panty (a type of compression tights) limits edema and bruising, more poorly adapted restraint increases the risk of phlebitis and pulmonary embolism. If there is a panty, it must be long, from the waist to the foot, and comfortable, well stretched but not too tight (your usual size will normally fit). The price varies between 50 and 100 euros depending on the model. Find it in pharmacies or online and has keep day and night for the first week, then part-time for another fifteen days minimum.

How much does liposuction cost?

We must first count 50 to 150 euros for a consultation with a cosmetic surgeon. Then, the price of the procedure then depends on the anesthesia (local or general) and the areas to be treated:

  • In between 1 500 et 3 000 approximately euros for liposuction of the saddlebags or thighs;
  • Of 900 to 1900 euros for the abdominal belt;
  • In between 700 et 1 100 euros for knee liposuction.

Is liposuction reimbursed?

Liposuction is not an intervention covered by Social Securityunless you are justified by illness or a after-effect of accident. In this case, all costs are refunded. Disputed cases must be the subject of a specific request which will allow Social Security to verify the validity of the reimbursement.

Liposuction: when to do it? What contraindications?

It's possible if…

  • I have localized curves, appeared after menopause or “constitution”. Hips, lower back or love handles that resist dieting;
  • My skin is of quality : flexible and good elasticity.

This is not possible if…

  • I want to get rid of the “orange peel” look;
  • I have some varices ;
  • I have distended skin from pregnancies or yo-yo dieting;
  • I wish lose a lot of weight.

And if I still want it…

  • Liposuction has little effect on superficial orange peelbecause it attacks deep localized fats;
  • I treat my varicose veins before considering liposuction. In the event of chronic illness, obesity, hypertension or diabetes, I first stabilize my state of health;
  • And excess skin adds to excess fat? A stomach or thigh lift is offered.

Is liposuction effective? Are the results definitive?

Once the silhouette has been nicely redesigned, is there a risk of the fat returning, in the same place or elsewhere? Many men and women ask the question before taking the step of surgical intervention. Rightly so, since a 2015 study (focused only on abdominal liposuction) shows that the effect on fat and weight is only transient : six months to two years later, they return to their initial levels.

Is it a compensation phenomenon, with a “rebound” in the production of fats? Or simply an avoidable tendency to gain weight again? In other words : Is the result of liposuction definitive?

Yes, if the intervention is carried out wisely

Liposuction does not treat excess weight orobesity : it concerns a targeted excess fat. “The ideal indication is a rather thin woman, with areas of fat located around the stomach, hips, saddlebags or knees,” explains Dr. Stéphane Guichard, plastic and aesthetic surgeon.

These fat reserves are genetically programmed and due to adipocytes which multiply, even without gaining weight. “When we remove this fat that diets or sport do not completely eliminate, there is little risk of it reestablishing itself because there will be fewer adipocytes to fill,” he assures.

Yes, if the weight is stabilized

It is not because there are fewer fat cells that we will not (re) gain weight: in the event of excess, the body can very well produce new ones, from pre-adipocytes, recalls the Professor Martine Duclos, endocrinologist-physiologist.

However, the operated area will have much less than before. As a result, the fat very rarely re-installs in the same place: more surely, it will migrate to other areas, such as the upper body and arms. If you gain weight, the result of the operation is likely to be less visible and, in the long term, the silhouette will appear less harmonious.

Liposuction is only worth it if you have a stable and controlled weight before the operation – even if you are slightly overweight – and if you maintain it afterwards, confirms Dr Stéphane Guichard, plastic and aesthetic surgeon .

Yes, if we (re)start sport

A 2012 study conducted on women who had abdominal liposuction showed an increase in visceral fat (+ 10%), after six months. “This fat located deep, around the organs, is dangerous for health, much more than the subcutaneous fat that is removed during the operation. By taking superficial adipocytes, we would increase the risk that excess fats are stored in these deep tissues,” warns Professor Duclos.

The study shows, however, that this phenomenon is counterbalanced by physical activity, which first mobilizes visceral fat. Two months after the procedure, it is advisable to practice a sport with a cardio effect (fast walking, cycling, dancing, fitness, etc.), for 45 minutes, 2 to 3 times a week. “Fortunately, there is often a strong sporting motivation after the operation, part of the process of taking care of yourself and your body,” notes Dr. Guichard.

Yes, if we are vigilant at certain times

« Any hormonal variation after the operation constitutes a period of risk : change of pill, pregnancy, menopause…”, warns Dr Guichard. It is essentially under the action of these hormonal peaks that fat accumulates locally. When a woman has surgically slimmed down her thighs, it is not uncommon for her to later be tempted to remove the fat elsewhere, particularly on the stomach, after pregnancy. A doctor must accompany these periods to avoid hormonal variations: by adjusting contraception and/or adapting the patient's diet.

What are the risks and disadvantages of liposuction?

To avoid disappointment, keep in mind that skin imperfections and stretch marks will not be improved and orange peel will still be visible.

Another possible setback: the corrugated iron effect. It is difficult to obtain figures as to its frequency, but surgeons recognize that these waves of the skin are linked to the use of cannulas that are too large and too aggressive a procedure.

Our advice : entrust your legs to expert hands, spread word of mouth and ask your doctor or phlebologist to find the right surgeon.

What are the risks ? The side effects ?

The appearance ofedema and D'bruises so-called “post-traumatic” is impressive, but expected.

Severe complications (embolism or phlebitis) are extremely rare. They are more often observed after 'megaliposuction': too much fat sucked out, too long an operation. Dr. Guichard.

The risk is also increased if patients have background. Several measures can help minimize the risks: avoid getting up prematurely, wear anti-thrombosis stockings, or take anticoagulant treatment.

THE risks inherent to anesthesia must also be taken into account.

Laser lipolysis and other anti-cellulite techniques banned in France

Namely: presented as an alternative to liposuction, particularly in cases of limited fat deposits, several anti-cellulite techniques, including laser lipolysis, have been banned in France since April 12, 2011 (decree no. 2011-382 published in the “JO” of April 12, 2011).

Liposuction: they testify after their operation

“Since the operation, I have been very careful. » Marie-Anne, 28 years old, operated on two and a half years ago.

I had liposuction on my thighs, stomach and arms, in two operations. I find my silhouette more feminine, with a marked waist where I had the impression of having a “trunk” shaped bust. Since then, I have been very careful: two or three sports sessions per week, especially jogging, and I eat healthy.

“My body remains harmonious. » Céline, 37 years old, operated on fifteen years ago.

When I was 20, I was a size 36 on top and a good 40/42 on the bottom. I had my pants adjusted to the waist and I found myself almost misshapen because of this disproportion. After my liposuction of the saddlebags, hips and thighs, I was able to fit into size 36 pants and finally accept myself. Since then, I have had three children, I have less time for sport and I have gained weight during my pregnancies but, each time, I have lost weight harmoniously.

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