What to eat in case of stercoral stasis to relieve discomfort?


Stercoral stasis, in other words stagnation of stools in the colon, is an unpleasant consequence of constipation to say the least… It generally manifests itself by abdominal pain, bloating, and a feeling of discomfort. Oral or rectal laxatives may sometimes be prescribed by doctors. But a change in lifestyle is usually enough to solve the problem! We take stock with Marie Behar, a dietitian nutritionist specializing in gastric disorders and a doctor of Public Health.

Definition: what is stercoral stasis? Is that bad?

Have you never heard of stercoral stasis? This is quite normal, because we generally prefer the term constipation. “Concretely, stercoral stasis refers to the excessive accumulation and stagnation of fecal matter in the colon which generally results from chronic and severe constipation: stools become hard and too compact to be evacuated naturally,” notes Marie Behar.

These persistent stools can cause abdominal pain, bloating or nausea. Complications are rare, but can still include hemorrhoids and even anal fissures. The main risk factors include: low fiber dietthe dehydration the sedentary lifestyle the taking certain medications likely to slow down transit or even cause underlying medical conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, etc.

Please note: immediate medical intervention may be necessary if the accumulation of stools is very significant and causes a complete blockage of the colon (intestinal obstruction).

Stercoral stasis: which foods are more laxative to favor?

In the first place, increase your intake dietary fiber. These help soften your stools and stimulate bowel movement. Focus on fresh foods rich in fiber and essential nutrients:

  • fruits rich in fiber, such as prunes figuesTHE raspberries blackberries ;
  • green vegetables, such as artichokes chouxTHE eggplant parsnips mushrooms ;
  • legumes, such as lentils, THE Chickpeas where the Red beans (also rich in vegetable proteins);
  • whole grains, such as oats, quinoa, Brown rice, whole wheat, or barley.
  • of the nut of the linseed of the chia seeds or some sunflower seeds.

“Try to consume at least 30 grams per day and distribute them throughout the day over different meals,” advises Marie Behar.

Also bet on foods rich in prebiotics That promote the growth of good bacteria in the intestine, such as onions, garlic, asparagus, leeks, peas, beets, plums, peaches, apples, or avocado. And think about probiotics present in yogurts, kefir, kimchi, and other fermented foods to support your intestinal flora and thus overcome stercoral stasis.

What foods should you avoid so as not to worsen intestinal stasis?

There is no question of ingesting anything to relieve stercoral stasis. As Marie Behar explains to us, certain foods can make the situation worse…

Avoid processed foods, refined products like white breads and pastas, as well as foods high in fat and/or sugar which can be difficult to digest and therefore worsen constipation symptoms due to their low fiber content. In other words, avoid fried foods, fatty meats, cold cuts, excess cheese consumption, and high-fat baked goods.

In case of intolerance to dairy products, limit your milk consumption and prefer hard or cooked cheeses, yogurts or even cheese and Swiss biscuits which contain less lactose. Certain foods can also irritate the intestinal lining and worsen the symptoms of stercoral stasis, such as spicy foods, acidic foods, or very salty foods. Better to avoid them.

Good to know: we all react differently to food, so it is important to listen to your body and change your eating habits accordingly. In the event of persistent or serious symptoms, it is always advisable to consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice!

Stercoral stasis: which drinks should be preferred to relieve symptoms?

To relieve the symptoms of stercoral stasis and promote good intestinal transit, it is essential to choose the right drinks!

  • Water is obviously the best drink to stay hydrated. ! Drinking enough water throughout the day can soften stools and make them easier to pass through the colon. Be sure to consume at least 1.5 liters per day – or more as recommended by your doctor.
  • Fruit juices rich in fiber and without added sugar, such as plum juice or prune juice can be beneficial in relieving constipation due to their fiber and nutrient content. Make sure to consume them in moderation to avoid too much sugar intake.
  • Fruit and vegetable smoothies are also a good way to increase your fiber intake by staying hydrated. Depending on your taste, combine fiber-rich fruits like berries and kiwis with green vegetables like spinach or kale.
  • Herbal infusions such as chamomile, fennel, licorice or mallow, can have laxative properties and help relieve symptoms of constipation.
  • Finally, coconut water might be a good option. Naturally hydrating and rich in electrolytes, it helps restore the body’s water balance.

What drinks should you absolutely avoid so as not to aggravate the discomfort?

If certain drinks are particularly recommended to promote the evacuation of stools, others are completely contraindicated…

  • Coffee, black tea, and caffeinated energy drinks can have a dehydrating effect on the body, which can worsen constipation by reducing intestinal hydration.
  • The alcohol is equally dehydrating and can disrupt bowel function, which can worsen constipation and the discomfort associated with stercoral stasis.
  • Fizzy drinks especially those with caffeine and added sugar, can irritate the stomach and cause bloating.
  • Sugary drinks like soda and fruit-flavored drinks often contain high amounts of added sugar that are best avoided.
  • And finally, beware of industrial fruit juices which can be low in fiber and high in added sugar.

To maintain good intestinal health and overcome stercoral stasis, choose a balanced diet rich in fiber, make sure to drink enough water, and stay moving by practicing regular physical activity! And at the risk of repeating ourselves: in the event of persistent symptoms, consult a healthcare professional to benefit from an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

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